Sunday, August 29, 2010

My room mates

I have now been in Umeå for 7 days. I've gotten myself a shitty job in telemarketing, which I definately don't want but it's always something, and I start there this tuesday.
I also had a very nice "job interview" (or conversation maybe is a better word, it was just all very pleasant) with the king of the photographers at a local newspaper here. Didn't really get a job, but I made myself noticed. And the best part was that he found me worth noticing. He told me to keep him updated if I should find anything interesting or take any awesome pictures. I will.
Furthermore I've finally started to watch True Blood, it's awesome too.


Anonymous said...

Bilden på Ola och Frida är det roligaste jag någonsin sett.

Jonatan Stålhös said...

Dom är lagom långa båda två ^^

Patrik Petersson said...

Sv. Jo jag hoppas på det! Känns bra i alla fall :D

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