Sunday, September 4, 2011

Chinese for dinner

In Sweden we have a saying "Ju fler kockar desto sämre soppa". It means something like ~More the chefs, worse the food. But can be applied to everything, not necessarely food.
Anyway. Every time I have been at a dinner with chinese people I remind myself that apparently that is NOT a chinese expression. I don't think I've ever seen less than three chinese persons cooking at the same time (at group dinners obviously), and this evening was no exception. Out of 7 persons most of the time 4 or 5 are active. Choping stuff, frying, doing the dishes, telling some other person what to do and so on. It's great. I love the extra commotion.
The kitchen is alive.

Chinese dinner
Chinese dinner
Chinese dinner
Chinese dinner
Chinese dinner
Chinese dinner


amdy said...

jag ser ägg och tomater!!!!!

Jonatan Stålhös said...

RÄTT! Jag stod för den haha, dom skrattade en hel del när jag gjorde det...

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